Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tips-Tips Mendaki Gunung

Pilih Barang Yang Dapat Berfungsi Ganda
Dalam memilih barang yang akan dibawa pergi mendaki selalu cari alat/perlengkapan yang berfungsi ganda , tujuannya apalagi kalau bukan untuk meringankan berat beban yang harus anda bawa. Contoh : Alumunium foil, bisa untuk pengganti piring, bisa untuk membungkus sisa nasi untuk dimakan nanti, dan yang penting bisa dilipat hingga tidak memakan tempat di carrier.

Sebisa mungkin matras disimpan di dalam carrier jika akan pergi kelokasi yang hutannya lebat, atau jika akan membuka jalur pendakian baru. Banyak rekan pendaki yang lebih senang mengikatkan matras diluar, memang kelihatannya bagus tetapi jika sudah berada di jalur pendakian, baru terasa bahwa metode ini mengakibatkan matras sering nyangkut ke batang pohon dan semak tinggi, lagipula pada saat akan digunakan matrasnya sudah kotor.

Kantung Plastik
Selalu siapkan kantung plastik didalam ransel anda, karena akan berguna sekali nanti misalnya untuk tempat sampah yang harus anda bawa turun, baju basah dan lain sebagainya.
Gunakan selalu kantung plastik untuk mengorganisir barang barang di dalam carrier anda (dapat dikelompokkan masing-masing pakaian, makanan dan item lainnya), ini untuk mempermudah jika sewaktu-waktu anda ingin memilih pakaian, makanan dsb.

Menyimpan Pakaian
Jika anda meragukan carrier yang anda gunakan kedap air atau tidak, selalu bungkus pakaian anda didalam kantung plastik, gunanya agar pakaian tidak basah dan lembab.Sebaiknya pakaian kotor dipisahkan dalam kantung tersendiri dan tidak dicampur dengan pakaian bersih

Menyimpan Makanan
Pada gunung-gunung tertentu (misalnya Rinjani) usahakan makanan dibungkus dengan plastik dan ditutup rapat kemudian dimasukkan kedalam carrier, karena monyet-monyet didekat puncak / base camp terakhir suka membongkar isi tenda untuk mencari makanan.

Menyimpan Korek Api Batangan
Simpan korek api batangan anda didalam bekas tempat film (photo), agar korek api anda selalu kering.

Packing Barang/Menyusun Barang di Carrier
Selalu simpan barang yang paling berat diposisi atas, gunanya agar pada saat carrier digunakan, beban terberat berada dipundak anda dan bukan di pinggang anda hingga memudahkan kaki melangkah.

Hiking For Your Better Health

HIKING bukan sekedar petualangan kecil melintasi hutan kecil. Hiking ternyata punya faedah besar untuk kesehatan kita. Untuk mempertahankan kerja jantung, mengurangi berat badan bahkan mengontrol diabetes.

Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Kenakan boots anda dan pergilah hiking!Menurut pakar latihan fisik di AS, hiking adalah cara yang menyenangkan untuk membentuk tubuh karena dilakukan di alam terbuka. Jadi bukan sekedar latihan aerobik yang efektif namun juga mampu membersihkan pikiran kita. Hiking menawarkan keseimbangan olah fisik dan olah pikiran.Melakukan hiking tidak perlu langsung rutin pergi keluar kota.

Anda bisa berjalan keliling blok kompleks sebagai permulaan. Hiking adalah salah satu cara penghancur lemak sekaligus menghindari osteoporosis. Bukan cuma itu berada di luar dan terkena paparan sinar matahari pagi yang kaya vit. D juga membantu kekuatan tulang dan tubuh.Bila kita melakukan hiking di area perbukitan dampaknya sangat bagus untuk kesehatan kardiovaskular seperti jantung karena gerakan kaki turun naik memberi jantung PR untuk bekerja lebih giat. Untuk para penderita diabetes, hiking memicu produksi insulin sehingga memperbaiki performa ginjal.

Hasil lain yang paling nyata mungkin perasaan rileks dan segar selesai hiking terlebih bila dilakukan di taman atau hutan kecil. Berikut beberapa tips untuk hiking yang sehat dan efektif yang dilakukan diluar kota:

1. Sebelum hiking ke hutan kecil jangan lupa bawa peta dan kompas agar tidak tersesat.

2. Hiking sesuai kemampuan fisik kita.

3. Bawa banyak air minum agar terhindar dari dehidrasi dan sedikit cemilan sehat yang mengandung protein dan karbohidrat agar level gula darah stabil. Jangan hanya minum bila merasa haus.

4. Gunakan pakaian yang cocok untuk cuaca tempat hiking kita. Jaket untuk daerah dingin dan topi untuk yang bersuhu tropis. Kenakan boots yang nyaman atau sepatu olahraga yang mampu mengakomodir beban tubuh.

5. P3K jangan ketinggalan selain senter, pisau lipat dan korek api.

6. Sun block please...SPF 15 atau lebih! Dan kacamata UV untuk mata agar aman dari ultraviolet.

7. Untuk yang "penyakitan", jangan ketinggalan obat-obatan khusus anda.

8. Jangan lupa cuci baju dan seluruh badan anda sebersih mungkin sepulang hiking untuk menghindari bakteri atau kuman yang menyerang selama berada di alam terbuka.


Hiking is a form of walking, undertaken with the specific purpose of exploring and enjoying the scenery. It usually takes place on trails in rural or wilderness areas.

The word 'hiking' is understood in all English-speaking countries, but there are differences in usage. In some places, off-trail hiking is called 'cross-country hiking', 'bushwhacking', or 'bush-bashing'. In the United Kingdom, hiking is a slightly old-fashioned word, with a flavor more of heartiness and exercise than of enjoying the outdoors; the activity described here would be called 'hillwalking' or simply 'walking'. Australians use the term 'bushwalking' for both on- and off-trail hiking. New Zealanders use 'tramping' (particularly for overnight and longer trips), 'walking' or 'bushwalking'. Hiking in the mountainous regions of Nepal and India is sometimes called 'trekking'. Overnight hiking is called 'backpacking' in some parts of the world. Hiking a long-distance trail from end to end is referred to as 'thru-hiking' in some places.

Comparison with other forms of touring
Hiking is one of the fundamental outdoor activities on which many others are based. Many beautiful places can only be reached overland by hiking, and enthusiasts regard hiking as the best way to see nature. It is seen as better than a tour in a vehicle of any kind (or on an animal; see horseback riding) because the hiker's senses are not intruded upon by distractions such as windows, engine noise, airborne dust and fellow passengers. Hiking over long distances or over difficult terrain does require some degree of physical ability and knowledge.

Ecological impact of hiking
Hikers often seek beautiful environments in which to hike. Ironically, these environments are often fragile: hikers may accidentally destroy the environment that they enjoy. The action of an individual may not strongly affect the environment. However, the mass effect of a large number of hikers can degrade the environment. For example, gathering wood in an alpine area to start a fire may be harmless once (except for wildfire risk). Years of gathering wood, however, can strip an alpine area of valuable nutrients.

Generally, protected areas such as parks have regulations in place to protect the environment. If hikers follow such regulations, their impact can be minimized. Such regulations include forbidding wood fires, restricting camping to established camp sites, disposing or packing out fecal matter, imposing a quota on the number of hikers per day.

Many hikers espouse the philosophy of Leave No Trace: hiking in a way such that future hikers cannot detect the presence of previous hikers. Practitioners of this philosophy obey its strictures, even in the absence of area regulations.

Human waste is often a major source of environmental impact from hiking. These wastes can contaminate the watershed and make other hikers ill. Bacterial contamination can be avoided by digging catholes 10 to 25 cm deep (4 to 10 inches, depending on local soil composition) and covering after use. If these catholes are dug at least 60 m (200 feet) away from water sources and trails, the risk of contamination is minimized. Many hikers warn other hikers about the location of their catholes by marking them with sticks stuck into the ground.

Sometimes, hikers enjoy viewing rare or endangered species. However, some species (such as martens or bighorn sheep) are very sensitive to the presence of humans, especially around mating season. Hikers should learn the habits and habitats of the endangered species, in order to avoid adverse impact.

There is one situation where an individual hiker can make a large impact on an ecosystem: inadvertently starting a wildfire. For example, in 2005, a Czech backpacker burned 7% of Torres del Paine National Park in Chile by knocking over an illegal gas portable stove. Obeying area regulations and setting up cooking devices on bare ground will reduce the risk of wildfire.

Etiquette of hiking

Because hiking is a recreational experience, hikers expect it to be pleasant. Sometimes hikers can interfere with each others' enjoyment, or that of other users of the land, but they can minimize this interference by following good etiquette. For example:
• When two groups of hikers meet on a steep trail, there may be contention for use of the trail. To avoid conflict, a custom has developed in some areas whereby the group moving uphill has the right-of-way. In other situations, the larger of the two groups will usually yield to the smaller.
• Being forced to hike much faster or slower than one's natural pace can be annoying, and difficult to maintain consistently. More seriously, walking unnaturally fast dramatically increases fatigue and exhaustion, and may cause injury. If a group splits between fast and slow hikers, the slow hikers may be left behind or become lost. A common custom is to encourage the slowest hiker to hike in the lead and have everyone match that speed. Another custom is to have an experienced hiker sweep up the rear, to ensure that everyone in the group is safe and nobody straggles.

• Hikers often enjoy the silence and solitude of their surroundings. Loud sounds, such as shouting or loud conversation, disrupt this enjoyment. Some hikers purposely avoid loud sounds, out of deference to other hikers. Staying quiet will also increase the likelihood of encountering wildlife. (This is a hazard if dangerous animals are present; see "Personal safety hazards".)

• Hikers sometimes trespass onto private property from public land or rights of way (easements). Such trespass can alienate the property owners and (in countries where rights of way are not protected by law) close down hiking rights-of-way. To maximize hiking opportunities for everyone, most hikers will either stay on public land and easements, or solicit permission from property owners. Staying on well-marked trails avoids the possibility of trespass.

• Tree branches or other vegetation often hang low across trails. A passing hiker may cause a tree branch to snap back in the face of a hiker behind. While it is courteous to warn following hikers if a branch is likely to snap back, it is every hiker's responsibility to allow enough space between himself and the hiker ahead to avoid the hazard.

• When two groups of hikers meet, it is considered a common courtesy to exchange greetings (either verbal or physical (e.g. smiles and friendly nods)). To pass another group without such acknowledgement is seen as rude.

Personal safety hazards
Main article: Hazards of outdoor activities
Hiking may produce threats to personal safety. These threats can be dangerous circumstances while hiking and/or specific accidents or ailments. Dangerous hiking circumstances include losing the way, inclement weather, hazardous terrain, or exacerbation of pre-existing medical conditions. Specific accidents include metabolic imbalances (such as dehydration or hypothermia), topical injuries (such as frostbite or sunburn), attacks by animals, or internal injuries (such as ankle sprain).
Hikers often propose a set of behavioral prescriptions to minimize these threats. A well-known example of such a set of prescription is the Ten Essentials.

Source: Wikipedia